Mom Life
Do I Stay Fit or Stay Fly?
I have been hitting the gym really hard lately and I love it. When that music gets to bumping, my trainer gets to yelling and I begin sweating, I feel like I can take over the world. And then the gym has the nerve to have a mirror so I can watch myself the whole time. I do a few burpees, knock out a few squats and then dance in the mirror before my trainer catches me. I absolutely love the gym. The problem is my hair.
Christmas Gifts Gone Bad
The holiday rush is now over and things have settled down. I hope it was an awesome holiday season for everyone. It was great for us. We made some amazing memories.
As parents, during Christmas time, we try so hard to make our children as happy as possible. We ask what they want and try our best to grant their request. We always have great intent, but have you ever had a Christmas gift gone bad? Well, let me tell you my story. My son DJ, almost 2 yrs old, loves ducks. When we see ducks outside, he is always making the quacking sounds. He smiles, points and says, “Duck, quack, quack, quack!” So I bought him a quacking push duck from Wal-Mart. I was so excited for him to open it and just knew he was going to love it.
Stop Making Resolutions and Start Making Moves
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WELCOME TO 2020….we made it!! So now what are we going to do? As we all know, the resolutions are pouring in. “This is my year…starting in January, I’m going to”… and blah, blah, blah. Don’t worry ladies, I am super guilty of this too. But this year, I told myself I was going to do something different. Not just think differently, but act differently. Instead of speaking on it and making resolutions, in 2020, let’s make moves.
Welcome to More Than A Mommy
Women are precious gems that have gone through so much to be where they are now. Everyone’s journey is different, but we all have valuable stories. My story is I am a wife and mother of four. My life is dedicated to my family and it’s an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but through this dedication, it’s easy to always be in mommy mode and forget about the style, determination and glam you may have had before mommy hood. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the kids and forget about yourself. Having deep thoughts, I began to ask what is next for me? Being a mommy is awesome, but how do I continue to grow myself? How does Donna continue to prosper? I have goals, dreams and aspirations too. Then I began to wonder how many other women feel like me? I absolutely love being a mommy, but I want so much more than just that. From those thoughts, I birthed More Than A Mommy. I pray this blog will encourage, inspire and motivate women to go out and be the total woman you are destined to be, all while being the amazing mommy you are. This blog is not only for moms, but for ALL women, because I have received some of the best advice and encouragement from women without children. Ladies…this is for ALL of us!! I invite you to engage in this blog and share your thoughts with me as I share mine with you. Welcome to More Than A Mommy. ❤️