• Mom Life

    Manicotti: An Easy Dinner Idea

    Have to get dinner on the table, but don’t really have a lot of time. This easy recipe will have dinner on the table in no time.

    Mom life if hectic and sometimes we forget to prepare for dinner, so we are standing in the kitchen with the refrigerator wide open, trying to see what dinner miracle we can come up with. Try this meal and make the magic happen.

  • Mom Life

    Ways Moms Can Find Peace In The Midst of Chaos

    As I was trying to get some work done, I could hear the kids down stairs yelling, “I had the remote first, don’t change the TV, I’m telling mom!” Immediately, I hear them racing up stairs to tell their side of the story first. I took a deep breath, because I did not want to hear it, let alone, be a referee to this sibling quarrel. I explained how I’m tired of hearing them always fighting over the smallest things and how it’s getting on my nerves. I told them to figure it out and if they didn’t, the tv was going off. Remind you, there are about six TVs in the house, so why we are fighting again? This is how I will find peace in the midst of chaos in the house this year.

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life

    Things Moms Need For Themselves While Back To School Shopping.

    The time is here!! It’s back to school. Let the crazy shopping, planning and organization begin. As moms, we are always making sure we have it all together for our kiddos, but we can’t forget about ourselves. As we are checking off all of their needed items, be sure to pick up some things for yourself. Here are a few items that you probably didn’t know you needed, but would definitely help with your transition back into the school year.

  • Mom Life

    The Museum Of Illusions – Atlanta

    Looking for a new, exciting experience for your kids, look no further. Museum of Illusions has everything to keep their little minds racing with amazement and their eyes full of wonder. I am always looking for new ways to make memories with my kids and this place was full of memory moments. From the mind-bending exhibits, satisfying optical illusions, and cool installations, Museum of Illusions-Atlanta is a must visit for families with kids of all ages.

  • Mom Life

    Why Moms Should Embrace Personal Growth

    Motherhood is a beautiful journey filled with love, joy, and incredible responsibility. As moms, we often prioritize the well-being of our children, neglecting our own personal growth and development. However, it is essential to recognize that nurturing ourselves and embarking on a journey of personal growth not only benefits us, but also enhances our ability to nurture and support our families.

  • Mom Life

    Why Letting Go Of Your Kids Is Actually Okay.

    Letting go of our kids is hard for a parent, because our main goal is to make sure they are okay. We want to make sure they are safe, that they feel supported and know that we are always accessible. Although it’s important for them to feel that way, sometimes letting go is good because it allows kids to learn new lessons.

  • 7 ways to enjoy your pregnancy journey
    Mom Life

    7 Ways To Enjoy Your Pregnancy Journey

    If you haven’t heard already…I’m going to be an Auntie!!!! I am beyond excited. Watching my sister go through this pregnancy journey has been such a beautiful experience. To watch her belly grow from nothing to a round basketball has been so cool.

    Pregnancy is such a beautiful transformation that your body is going through and before you know it, the baby is in your arms. Yes, it seems as if it happens that fast! I have been giving my sister advice on how to enjoy and make the most of her pregnancy and I want to share these things with you too!

  • Mom Life,  Shop

    A Day In The Life Of A Homeschool SAHM

    I wake up to little whimpers from across the room. I look at my phone and it’s 7:03am. Duke, my micro 4 month old goldendoodle, is on his job waking me up. I roll out of bed, throw on my robe and take him outside for his first of ten bathroom breaks. Yes, I’m the mom in my purple robe, pink bonnet and nikes outside walking the dog, because ain’t nobody trying to impress these neighbors. And this is the reality of a homeschool sahm.


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