How to make you day more productive
Making Life Easier

5 Easy Tips To Make Your Day More Productive

I am not a morning person. Never have been, but once I had kids, all of that had to change. I don’t want to get up, but I can’t ignore the kids saying “Mommy, I’m hungry. Mommy, wake up! Mommy, good morning!” any longer. They’ve said it four times already. Do any other moms close your eyes tighter in hopes that the kids will just lay back down. Or am I the only one?

Not being a morning person and being forced to awaken can put a bad vibe on your day. So I decided I needed to make some changes so my bad vibes could turn into good vibes. It’s not fair to the kids for me to wake up grumpy, when they wake up with shining faces. Don’t kill their vibe because you don’t want to get up. These are the changes that I had to make, in order to make my day more productive. And I must say, the changes have really helped!!

Easy steps to make your day more productive

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Ways To Make Your Day More Productive

1. Make a To Do list the night before.

Having an idea of what you have planned for the day is a great way to start. It gives your day structure and allows you to focus on the things on your list. Going in blind and not having a plan for the day can lead to a lot of wasted time. Believe me, I’ve done it! I’m guilty of wasting way more time than I wanted to.

2. Start your day off in prayer.

To be fully transparent, I have failed at making this step a requirement. I would pray, but it wouldn’t be intentionally done. I would just try to fit it in where ever I could. But then the light bulb went off, why would I try to just “fit” God in and make His time unintentional when He has done so much for me and always makes me intentional. The nerve of me right. Well, I got that together real quick. A book that really helped me was a short read that teaches you how to pray. This book outlines the benefits, tells you how to achieve creating a routine of prayer and actually sticking to it. Prayer will not only set the tone for your day, it will set the tone for your life. If you want to get this book to help with your prayer life, click here.

Learn how to pray to make your day more productive.

3. Wake up before the kids, don’t let them wake you up.

This was a game changer for me. If the kids wake me up, I can be a little grumpy, because I am not ready to get up yet. But if I wake up before the kids, I am greeting them with the same smile they are giving me because I have had time to get myself together and wake up a little. Even if you only wake up 10 minutes before the kids, it still makes a difference. Try it and see!!

4. Make you a cup of coffee or tea.

I’m a huge coffee drinker. The smell of it, the warmth of the cup and the first sip always puts a big smile on my face. I feel coffee gets me going so that I can conquer the day. Whenever I have big tasks to do, coffee is my go to. It just keeps me going. So if you feel like me, get that cup first thing in the morning to get you going. If you are not a coffee drinker, try tea.

Click the pictures to purchase these coffee mugs.

5. Try to accomplish 3 things off your to do list by Noon.

Noon is the time that I choose because I feel that is when things start to get crazy in my life. The kids are up and in full force and anything can happen, but if I have already knocked three things off my list, I am in a better position to have a productive day. So, I really do try to have at least 3 things accomplished by this time. You can select whatever time works best for your day, but really strive to get this done. You will feel so much more accomplished.

Coffee always makes my day more productive.

Bonus: Give yourself mercy, but don’t make excuses!

Truth is things will not always go as planned. We will have horrible days and then we will have days where we are just killing it. The kids will be angels one day and off the chain the next. So we must be flexible because that is part of parenting. Life will not always be perfect and that is okay, you have to show yourself a little mercy. But that does not mean everyday! Giving yourself mercy every day can lead to laziness that will carry over into excuses and result in being fully unproductive. So don’t let your mercy turn into excuses and hinder you from having a productive day.

Learning to be more productive is a process that requires practice and consistency. Learning what works best for you is important so that you can continue to thrive throughout the day. Hopefully these tips have helped you and you will see the benefit that will lead to more productive days. Now, go conquer the world, Mommy!

💕 Donna 💕

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