Mom Life

How To Minimize Mommy Burnout

Tired, frustrated, feeling like you are doing it all on your own and no one is there to help? Do you just want a moment to yourself to breathe? Do you feel like you will never get that moment? Is your self care and me time non existent because when you are breaking from being a mommy, you fall asleep on the couch? This, my friend, is called Mommy Burnout!!

Every mommy tends to have it at least once or twice during their motherhood journey. (Lol. Once or twice…yeah right, who am I kidding 😂) But there are ways to prevent the burnout from continuing to happen.

Here are a few things that can help with Mommy Burnout.

1. Realize you may be superwoman, but you are NOT superhuman.

This was actually kind of hard for me. I always felt like as a mom and a wife, I had to do it all. Just thought that was my job. I had to cook, clean, help with the homework, wash the clothes, keep the monthly finances in order, give baths, read bedtime stories, lay the clothes out for the next day, prepare myself for work and then try to make sure that I looked presentable while doing it all. Feeling burnt out just reading this…exactly. And that is the same way I felt.

My husband would ask me if I needed help and I would always reply, “No, I got it”. I felt if I said yes, I would be less of a mom, a wife and a woman. I would look at other women and how they would run their household with ease and no help, so I felt I should do the same. Due to my husband asking me if I needed help and constantly telling him, “I got it”, he stopped asking. So when I would get extremely overwhelmed and need his help, I felt resentment because he wasn’t helping me. But I forgot that I told him repeatedly, “I got it”.

I’m learning, I am not less of a woman, wife or a mom because I ask for help. Having the help will actually will make me more productive because things are getting done effectively as a team. If you are a single parent, know that it is okay to reach out to family and friends for help too.

2. Make A List

Try to prioritize your to do list to get things done. The list will help you organize and it will also help you remember what you have to do. Because with a mommy schedule, we all know our mind can be all over the place.

Avoid Mommy Burnout by making a to do list.

3. Give yourself mercy when everything is not accomplished in the day.

So you made your list, but only finished 5 out of 10 things. Instead of being frustrated that you did not get everything done, congratulate yourself for completing 5 tasks. Focusing on what you did not do will only help build the stress level. Remember we only have 24 hours in a day and we have little humans that we must make sure we keep alive and healthy in the process.

4. Try to plan out dinner ideas the night before.

Planning what’s for dinner has helped me greatly. I could not tell you how many times I have been tied up with tasks from the day only to realize dinner time is less than 30 minutes away and I don’t even have a clue what to feed my family. Having at least an idea has helped so that I’m not stressed out on what to cook. And when you get the hang of planning for the night, try planning dinner for the week and see how that goes.

5. Moms have to eat healthy too!!

I am guilty of cooking and making sure everyone is full only to remember that I have not eaten anything. It is important to fuel your body as well with healthy meals. When we don’t eat right, our body reflects that, so make sure Mom is taking a break to eat too.

6. Get enough sleep.

I am the most aggravated mother when I do not have enough sleep. All my actions are unintentional, but when the body is tired, it affects every part of you and it can make it hard to function properly. Mommy burnout is ten times worst when we are already super tired.

7. Zone Out

Zoning out is totally okay and very much needed to help avoid mommy burnout. Whatever is your happy place, go there and feel no guilt for doing so. When you zone out, for that moment, don’t think about being a mom, think about being in your happy place and allow yourself to be reset.

Avoid Mommy Burnout by zoning out and going to your happy place for a while.

8. Connect with other moms

The good thing about connecting with other moms is that they are able to relate. You will find comfort that you are not alone. You can vent and let it all out and they can understand exactly what you are talking about. Connecting with other moms also gives you a chance to engage in different conversation topics and not just the ones that stress you out at home.

9. Do something you like

As moms, we are always worried about everyone else in the family and how they are doing. But start to focus on you. Do what you like every now and then. And feel NO remorse for doing so. This will rejuvenate you and allow you to step back into the mommy role with a much more clear head and heart.

10. Delegate, delegate and delegate again!

This was the key to relieving a ton of my mommy burnout. As I said before we are not superhuman and we can’t do it all, but if we work together and everyone does their part, we can surely get a lot accomplished. So, I used to try to clean every room in my 5 bedroom house by myself. (I know, what was I thinking.) I felt it would just be easier for me to do it and not have to do it again after the kids have half cleaned everything. But the truth is, sometimes half clean is good enough. And the more the kids clean, the better they get. Allow the kids and the husband to help with all the duties of the house.

As a mom, you will be burnt out because our list of to do’s is never ending. But we can decrease the amount of mommy burnout that we feel by trying to implement these ideas.

We are the best moms when we are our best selves.

Try it out moms and let me know how it goes for you!



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