Taking care of yourself as a mom is being unbothered.
Making Life Easier,  Mom Life

Don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself, Mom!

Mommy, can you do this? Mommy, can you fix me something to eat? Mom, can you play with me? Mommy, watch this! Come here, Mom…watch me play this game. This is what I hear all day in my house. Then, my husband comes. Babe, can you help me do this? Can you make sure this is done? Everyone needs mom all day long. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is wonderful and I enjoy the experience of motherhood. The entire journey is rewarding. But that does not mean that it’s not one tiring, demanding job that seems like there are never enough hours in the day to complete it all. Saying all this, your sanity and peace are important too, so don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself as well, mom!

It is so important for moms to understand that it is not only necessary, but mandatory, for us to be able to take breaks to take care of ourselves. We have to be able to relax and unwind in order to even have the energy to attempt to be available for everyone’s needs. It’s so easy to get burnt out and this creates a totally different problem. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my post on mommy burnout. Click here.

Stop feeling guilty for taking care of you.

Taking care of yourself as a mom doesn't have to be complicated, but it is necessary.
Taking care of yourself can be catching up with girlfriends after a warm bubble bath.

Benefits of taking care of yourself.

1. Allows you to think and improves your concentration.

Kids will call your name 50 times in 5 minutes. This can get overwhelming real quickly. Especially when they want absolutely nothing. Lol. Always having to tend to them may block your thoughts and not allow you to think clearly. Not thinking clearly will lead you to being unproductive and wasting time. So give the kids the time they need, and then when you get time alone, reflect back on those thoughts and you will be able to have a much clearer mindset that will increase productivity.

2. Relieves stress.

Motherhood is stressful, no matter how you look at it. It doesn’t matter if you are a single mom or one with tons of help. At some point the stress level will be way beyond your wishes. Taking time to yourself will allow you to relieve stress and refocus your mind. The time will allow you to reposition back to a healthy mindset.

3. Allows you to be calm and peaceful for the moment.

With life being so demanding and everyone needing your time, it can be difficult to find peace. Being alone for a moment will allow you to escape from the activity of everything and enter into a place of peace.

4. Allows you to do whatever it is that YOU want.

Moms are always so focused on what our kids and family need that our desires are pushed back and sometimes never revisited. It’s good to be able to enjoy what you like and do what makes you happy. You don’t need to be able to enjoy it from time to time, but enjoy it often!!!

5. It benefits the entire family.

You are the best mom, when you are your best self. You are the best spouse, when you are your best self. The time that you take for yourself will benefit you in such a positive way that you will generate a more positive mindset that will lead to an improvement in mental health, physical health and overall happiness. Because remember if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. So do the entire family a favor and take care of you, too!!

Taking care of you benefits everyone!!

Don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself mom.

How to take care of yourself

1. Do what makes you happy.

There is really no set rule of how you have to take care of yourself. Everyone is different and enjoys different things. Just do whatever makes you happy. You can live the lavish life and ball out on yourself or do something completely free. As long as the outcome is a better you!

2. Schedule a time.

Let the family know you will be taking care of you at this certain time. And tell them, do not interrupt me. If that means locking your door or ignoring their phone call (unless its an emergency, of course) let them know to leave you alone for the time you are requesting.

3. Do not feel guilty about taking time for yourself.

This is where mom guilt begins to happen and we feel like because everyone needs us, we are being selfish to focus on ourselves. You are not being selfish!! This is something you need and once you get in the routine of taking care of you, you will quickly see the benefit. There’s a post on the blog about mom guilt. If you haven’t read it yet, click here. More great info for you!

4. Put the kids to bed early.

It will not hurt the kids if you put them to bed an hour or two early to make time for yourself.

5. Enjoy the process.

Simply put, enjoy being able to focus on you for a moment. Once you get use to the process, you will have it no other way.

Focus on you and don't feel bad for taking care of yourself. It will make you a better mom.

Here are a few ideas on how to take care of yourself

  1. Take a trip — This can be a girls trip or a trip by yourself
  2. Go to the spa — allow yourself to enjoy a massage and be pampered
  3. Have a quiet dinner — or meet up for dinner with your girlfriends
  4. Take a walk — talk to God
  5. Pray — talk to God
  6. Take a drive — listen to your favorite music
  7. Read a book — snuggle up with a cozy blanket and a warm drink
  8. Do yoga — it benefits the mind and body
  9. Write — Plan out goals and dreams
  10. Work out — Turn on the music, do some squats to get that booty right
  11. Run — Helps relieve stress and gives you pretty legs.
  12. Take a bath — Create an entire oasis in your own bathroom and don’t forget to lock the door
  13. Get your hair done — get that style you’ve been wanting to try
  14. Get your nails and feet done — relax and pamper yourself
  15. Do a home spa — finally use the products you’ve had forever
  16. Go shopping — retail therapy never hurt anyone, right?
  17. Take a nap — an uninterrupted nap is a God send.
  18. Talk to your girlfriends on the phone or on a zoom call
  19. Have a glass of wine or cup of coffee and enjoy some music
  20. Have your own fashion show with your own clothes — you’d be surprised how many cute outfits you forgot you had.
  21. Watch a movie or catch up on your favorite youtube channels
  22. Go for a bike ride
  23. Picnic in the park — by yourself or with your girlfriends
  24. Cook — try a new recipe you’ve found — and no one is allowed in the kitchen
  25. Simply change your scenery
Cheers to all the moms that are taking care of yourself. Your family will thank you!
Cheers to you, Mom! Cheers to every mom that is taking care of yourself.

Try a few of these ideas to capitalize on your much needed me time. Enjoy them with no guilt, mom, and watch as your entire world improves.


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