Making Life Easier

  • Making Life Easier

    How To Manage Your Child’s Seasonal Allergies

    It was a beautiful spring day and we were standing outside waiting on dance class to start. Niya sat on a bench and a few minutes later, I noticed her rubbing her eyes terribly. She was rubbing so hard, she began digging, and then started crying from discomfort. When I pulled her hands down from her face, her eyes were so swollen and she was yelling, “Mommy, help!” Niya was suffering from seasonal allergies.

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life

    Things Moms Need For Themselves While Back To School Shopping.

    The time is here!! It’s back to school. Let the crazy shopping, planning and organization begin. As moms, we are always making sure we have it all together for our kiddos, but we can’t forget about ourselves. As we are checking off all of their needed items, be sure to pick up some things for yourself. Here are a few items that you probably didn’t know you needed, but would definitely help with your transition back into the school year.

  • spring break flowers
    Making Life Easier,  Mom Life

    Spring Break Activities That Won’t Break The Bank

    Spring break is among us!! The weather is beautiful and school is out. You know what that means…we have to do something to keep the kids entertained. One thing that is important to me is having fun, but not breaking the bank. There are so many different, cost effective ideas to do that we often forget about. This spring break doesn’t have to involve traveling, flights and long car rides, it’s okay to keep it simple. Here are a few spring break activities to create memorable fun, but won’t break the bank.

  • Making Life Easier

    My First Time Getting A Full Body Wax

    I have been shaving since high school and I have come to the point, where I am just tired of it! I have to shave every two days to get the smooth feeling skin that I want. If not, I’m a walking cactus and that is just not sexy. I’ve contemplated getting waxed for a while, but never made the appointment. But I finally did it!! And this is what I learned from my first wax appointment.

  • Making Life Easier

    April Is The Month Of Growth

    Winter is finally over and spring has sprung. The birds are chirping, the weather is beautiful and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Everything around us is changing and changing for the better. Your life should be the same way. April is the month of growth, so this month have the courage to put in the work to see the growth. Here are some tips on how to do it.

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life

    How to start your workout routine again

    Raise your hand if the corona virus stopped your workout and increased the amount of snacks and wine you enjoyed. Great! Glad to know I’m not alone. My workout routine and eating habits were pretty good pre-corona, but now they are pretty much nonexistent. And it’s time for a change. I have recently started my workout routine again and I’m glad I did. Here are a few tips to get you off the couch and get your body moving again.

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life,  Product Reviews

    Best Winter Coats For Women 2021

    I took an unexpected trip to my hometown in Chicago this weekend and the view was beautiful. There was snow everywhere, but the weather was brutally cold. Of course where I live now in Georgia, we don’t need heavy coats. But due to me going to below zero degree temperatures, I had to quickly get a super warm coat to keep me warm. I needed one of the best winter coats to withstand these freezing temperatures.

  • Making Life Easier

    How to find joy in the new year.

    Happy New Year!! We made it to 2021. I know we were all ready to say goodbye to 2020 with the quickness. It was a crazy year, but we made it though. There were many ups and downs and to some of us, it seemed like things would never get better. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Here is how to find joy in the new year, even when you may feel like it’s impossible.


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