Mom Life

  • Mom Life

    How to deal with back talk from your daughter

    When I was growing up, I remember my mom telling me, “You just wait, you will have a daughter one day, and get it all back!” Of course, I didn’t really understand what she meant at the moment, but now I have three daughters and my oldest one is testing my patience. She is the sweetest, most kind little girl, but when those emotions get triggered, homegirl be tripping. Is anyone else struggling with how to deal with back talk from their daughter, or is it just me?

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life,  Product Reviews

    Best Gift Guide For Boys

    Welcome back to the blog!! We are getting closer to that magical day!! Christmas is only 10 days away. And if you are a shopper like me, you are always looking for last minute gifts, even if you do feel your shopping is complete. Hopefully you have already seen my last post about the Girls Gift Guide, but if not, click here to check it out. Now you know I couldn’t give you a girls gift guide and not give you a boys gift guide. So here it is!!

  • Making Life Easier,  Mom Life,  Product Reviews

    Best Gift Guide For Girls

    December is here and the sales have begun. Christmas is now around the corner and everyone is buying for their loved ones. Of course we want to get what everyone will like, but at times that can be hard. But worry no more!! I have put together for you a list of ideal gifts for young girls. I would like to think I can offer a tip or two since I have three girls, ages 5, 7 and 9. And believe me, they do not hesitate to tell me what they do and do not want for Christmas each year. So here is your best gift guide for young girls.

  • Mom Life,  Shop

    How to be confident in you

    Hey Ladies!! Hope your day is going well. Today we are discussing being confident in you and what you have going on. I had a conversation with someone that made me realize I must be confident in what I want and not allow others to sway my ideas. Has this ever happened to you?

  • Mom Life

    How To Let The Kids Help In The Kitchen

    Happy November Mommy!! We are definitely now in holiday season! It’s time to start planning and celebrating the time with family and friends while making memories. Although the holidays may look different this year, there are other ways to make things memorable. Chef Ashley Shep is back on the blog today to tell us how to let others help you out in the kitchen. She has great tips on how to let the kids help as well and how to get your partner involved in the kitchen.

  • Fall Is Soup Season
    Making Life Easier

    Fall Is Soup Season

    Happy October Ladies!! It’s that time of the year for heart felt foods that warm us up when we eat them.  Fall is actually one of my favorite seasons and there are many reasons why. I love the colors, the warm clothes we can wear and the change of food selection that the season brings. Fall is also soup season! Lucky for us, we have Chef Ashley Shep on the blog today to give us a tasty soup recipe that we can all try for a quick, heart felt, filling meal.


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