The balance of mom life and work life is not alway easy.
Mom Life

How I failed at balancing mom life and work life…and how I fixed it.

Work, work, work, work, work!!! (In my Rihanna voice of course!) That has been my mindset since I started blogging. I wanted to make sure that I was putting in the work and creating a platform that would turn into a business. It was understood to be successful, I simply had to put in the hard work and I was totally committed.

I had my schedule, my notes and the plan that I would use to make this a successful business. And guess what, my plan was working!! The blog was growing and the business was beginning to slowly take off. I enjoy blogging so much that all my time was going into it. I would wake up way before everyone in the house and once I put all the kids to sleep for the night, I would race to the computer to begin writing again. Then, I would write all through the night. At the table, on the couch, in bed…I was a writing sister!!

I thought everything was all good.

It wasn’t until my six year old asked me could I close my computer and play with her sometimes that I realized I had been totally consumed. I thought I was juggling it all. Mom life, wife life and entrepreneur life…I thought I had a good balance and that everyone understood in order for mommy to build this business, I have to be committed and focused all the time.

What I didn’t realize is my kids could care less about a blog because the blog meant less time with mommy. I told Drey what Driauna told me and he was not surprised. He said yeah, you’re here, but you’re not here. I was shocked hearing that from him as well because I would ask him from time to time if he felt like I wasn’t spending enough time with him and he would always say, “It’s cool babe, you building the business. I’ll always be here.” (More to come on that story!)

It was an eye opener and a problem that I knew I had to fix, quickly. While I thought I was balancing mom life and work life, I was neglecting the most important part of my life, my family. I decided to take a step back from blogging to reconnect with my husband and kids. I apologized to them for not realizing my priorities had shifted and made it intentional to get back to spending the quality time with them without my phone or laptop in my hand.

How did I fix it?

Well, I started by scheduling a few family trips and I left all work at home. I did take pictures to capture moments, but it was straight family time, no work. And boy did we have a great time!! Stay tuned for that post, I’ll tell you all about our trip in the posts to come.

Balancing mom life and work life can get a little difficult at times. But the balance is necessary.

So now my goal is to come up with a better schedule that will allow me to be productive in the business but not take away from my family. I must learn how to balance mom life and work life a little better. There has to be a healthy balance that works for all of us and I am going to create it. Stay tuned for the plan, maybe you will be able to use it too.

If you have found yourself in this same situation, it is not too late to fix it. Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned that we make the world go round and we are the corner piece of the family. It just doesn’t run efficiently if we are not running it properly. No shade to the dads, because they play a great role too, but it’s nothing like a momma. So my tip is to make sure that you are not too consumed into something that you don’t realize you are tuned out and unintentionally neglecting other things.

Have you ever had to step away from something for a minute because it was pulling you away from family without you even noticing? Have you struggled with balancing mom life and work life? Let me know in the comments below.

Donna From Rise And Shine Mommy

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