Mom Life

How To Help Kids Adjust To The Classroom Again.

It Starts At Home.

Like I always say with everything, it all starts at home! My kids are now back in the classroom at school. I don’t know who was more excited, them or myself. Things are going well so far. They have been digitally learning at home since covid began, so going back into the classroom was an adjustment for everyone. Here are a few things that can help kids adjust to the transition.

Help Kids Adjust By Being Excited For Them!

Change can be scary for young kids, but they adjust off of our energy. Be excited so they can see that this change is good. Allow them to understand that going back into the classroom is great because there is so much to look forward to. New friends, new teacher, playing outside and new school clothes are definitely things they will be able to look forward to.

Take them school shopping.

Shopping for new school clothes, shoes and supplies can help to get the kids excited, because who doesn’t want new things to start off a new school year.

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Talk to them about the safety of Covid.

Even though they are back in the building, they still have to understand that covid is still out there and they need to protect themselves. Teach them the importance of wearing the mask, how to properly wash their hands and send them with their own personal sanitizer that they can use throughout the day.

Make a schedule and stick to it.

Believe it or not, kids do way better when they have a schedule. Set a dinner time, bath time and bed time schedule so they can get adjusted to the way the school week will go. Make sure they are getting enough rest to be able to tackle the day ahead of them.

Talk to them about the changes.

Find out what they are excited about being back in school. Find out what they are nervous about. Discuss both of these areas. Reassure them that being nervous is okay and then highlight all the great things to look forward to.

Wishing you and your students a happy and successful school year.

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