How to reduce stress this holiday season
Mom Life

How To Reduce Stress This Holiday Season

Holiday seasons usually always involve one thing, stress!! But this year it doesn’t have to. This year we are going to do things a little bit differently. Here is how we will reduce the stress this holiday season.

As moms, we already have a lot to do and we want it to be perfect. The tree has to look a certain way, we must make sure that everyone has exactly what they want on their list and the home decor and dinner menu have to be top tier. But the truth is, it really doesn’t have to. This year, we are going to realize things don’t have to be perfect.

How to reduce stress this holiday season.

Realize things don’t have to be perfect.

It will be just fine if the kids decorate the tree for you, if you couldn’t find that one extra item that your loved one was asking for or if the menu is not top of the line holiday food. We have to remember that sometimes, doing enough is just enough. Don’t try to be perfect this holiday season. Just focus on the things that really matter and the things that don’t, stop stressing over it.

Ask for help.

Stop trying to do it all by yourself. It’s okay to ask for help. Doing so will decrease the heavy load for you. Let your spouse help with some of the decorations and gift buying. Maybe split up the to do list and definitely let your kids help with holiday tasks. Delegate and give everyone a job. Even if it’s not done perfectly, it’s complete and that’s the goal. And let’s be real, because we are moms, we are going to go back and improve what they did, but at least we are not starting from scratch.

Set Boundaries.

If you decided this year, the kids are only going to get 5 gifts instead of 10, hold to your word. Explain to your children their options and limits. It’s okay to not break the bank this holiday season. That’s my goal this year, because when I asked my kids what they received for Christmas last year, it took them a while to remember. So, if you are focusing on minimizing the spending this year, stick to your boundaries.

Here’s a gift giving tip to save money: One year we did a DIY Christmas with the entire family. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Instead of buying gifts, everyone had to make them with the items you already had in the house. Some gifts were really heart felt, while others were hilarious, but it was a really cool idea that everyone enjoyed.


I know it’s hard, but try to get some rest this holiday season. Our bodies need to be recharged and with the changing temperatures outside, it’s easier to catch the holiday sickness, so try your best to rest your body so you are healthy enough to keep going.

Focus on spending quality time with the family.

The kids are out of school and hopefully you have a break from work, so use it to spend quality time with the kids. Do an activity, watch a movie, decorate Christmas cookies, make a Tiktok or have a dance party. Whatever you and your kids enjoy, do it. Making lasting memories is what is important this holiday season.

I hope these simple tips will help you to reduce the stress this holiday season. Remember you don’t have to do it all and simply being present in your families’ life is enough. Have a very Merry Christmas.

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