Mom Life

Moms, You Have To Stop Underestimating Yourself, Now!

We all know that motherhood is a lot of work, but somehow, some way, we always seem to get it done. We focus on the family and a lot of times, it leaves no time for ourselves which tends to make us feel like we are failing in the position because we are simply not happy. It’s important to make time for yourself to reach goals and prove that you are are doing a great job in the midst of all the chaos. Don’t downplay the hard work you are putting in. Stop underestimating yourself and start being confident as you find things that make you feel complete.

When I first became a stay at home mom, I had to adjust to the new changes. Life was now all about the kids and the household, and while I loved the freedom, I began to lose myself because I no longer focused on me. Mom duties was what my life consumed of and my personal growth decreased, which led to me feeling stagnant. My title was now mommy, not career woman, goal seeker or anything to grow myself. I had to quickly get out of that mindset because I began to underestimate all the things I could do, as I journeyed through motherhood and being a stay at home mom.

Stop Letting Society Determine Your Self Worth.

Society can paint this picture of what a successful mom is and most of the time, it does not line up with our reality, but we still try to measure up to it. This leads to added stress and underestimating yourself because you’re not living up to this painted picture. Girl, paint your own picture. Determine what you want in life and create that without seeking the validation from anyone else. Motherhood is not the only title to your name. Tap into your own talents, skills and interests, things that will grow you beyond motherhood. If you don’t have a spotless house and your kids are not always dressed their best, that’s okay. Don’t underestimate yourself because you are trying to live someone else’s life. Realize that life happens and just do your best. Your self worth and happiness should be determined by how well you are doing things that matter most to you.

Celebrate Your Achievements.

A win is a win!! And we all win differently. If that means successfully preparing dinner, having a peaceful parenting day, reaching a personal goal…celebrate it!! We often feel like an accomplishment is too small because you see others accomplishing big things. But what we fail to see, is we have to win small before we win big. Stop underestimating your achievements and begin celebrating them.

Stop Underestimating Yourself And Shift Your Mindset.

Instead of thinking things need to be perfect, know that it’s okay for them to be good enough. Stop setting your bar so high, that goals are not achievable. Be realistic and know your limits. Practice self compassion, delete the negative thoughts and embrace a growth mindset. The goal is to do better day by day, not be perfect after the first attempt. Build your confidence by being great at small things and work up to big ones. When you shift your mindset, goals are more self attainable, underestimating decreases and self confidence builds.

When You Underestimate Yourself, You Teach Your Kids To Do The Same.

Our kids are watching our every move. So when they see mommy feeling like she is not valuable and underestimating herself, they will copy your actions in their own lives. Take on challenges, pursue your goals, work daily to get better at things that are hard. These are the characteristics you want for your kids, so why not want the same for yourself. We may feel like, I’m a mommy now, so I can’t do this or achieve that and that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Activate your super power and chase after your dreams, stop underestimating your abilities and know that you can do hard things.

Do you ever underestimate yourself? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

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