Back To School Shopping On A Budget
The count down has began and it is officially back to school time. Time to get the kids together and tackle the back to school shopping. But school shopping doesn’t have to be stressful or break the bank. Here are a few ways to save money while you are getting the kids ready for the new school year.
The Ultimate List For Essential Homeschool Supplies
We had orientation this morning for my super excited Pre-K student. Niya was ecstatic to see her new teacher and soon to be friends. With Covid-19 still active, we have decided to homeschool our children until things get a little better. The orientation was held on a zoom call and Niya fully understood she would be able to go to school after corona goes away. She met some new friends and told them she would see them soon. Hopefully Niya will get to spend a little of her Pre-K year in an actual classroom, but until then, I’ll be teaching her at home. In this post, I have included the essential homeschool supplies that will be needed for distant learning students.
Is It Safe To Send Your Kids Back To School
My county has just released the information that school will be open and back in full effect for this coming school year, despite the craziness of Covid-19. School will begin August 3rd, 2020 and they are encouraging students to be ready and excited to learn and have fun this school year. But is it safe to send your kids back to school?