Mom Life

Thank God we beat covid. Tips and Tricks to Use.

This year we decided to let the kids try out in person school again. The girls have been learning digitally since corona hit and they were missing their friends and the social part of school. I totally understood because I was looking for a little normalcy myself. We decided as a family, this year, we would allow the girls to go back to school again. Well, three weeks after going back to school, the girls caught covid, from their teacher! It was crazy, but thank God, we were all able to beat covid.

Driauna got the symptoms first and of course because we are all so close knit in our house, one by one, we all caught it. Covid is the worst and I hope you never have to experience it. But if you should be invaded by the “rona”, this is what we used to get through it.

Remedies to help your body beat covid.

The first symptoms everyone got were a cough, sore throat and a headache. Next, we experienced pain in the eyes, along with the body chills. So you want to stock up on cold and flu medication and take it as directed. We used cold and flu medication for the kids and Thera Flu for the adults, since they recommend kids not use Thera Flu if under the age of 12. Make sure you have a multi vitamin and vitamin C daily. Don’t miss your vitamins, they are important. We also used Emergen-C and put that in our tea.

Once the symptoms kick in, all you want to do is sleep. Sleeping is good, but you can’t sleep too much. You don’t want fluid to build up on your lungs by laying down for too long, so it’s recommended to get up and walk through the day. When you do sleep, you should sleep on your stomach or your side. Do not sleep on your back because this will also cause fluid build up and you do not want to get pneumonia on top of covid. Use a humidifier if you have one to help purify and moisturize the air.

We made a tea to help us beat covid.

It is directed to only drink hot things when you have covid. The reason for this is to continually break down the mucus that is trying to build up in your lungs. So we made hot tea and put several things in it. We boiled water and added pineapples, lemons, oranges, limes, ginger, garlic and tumeric. We cut it up and added everything, the rinds and all. Do not throw anything away, it all goes into the pot to be boiled. Pour the tea into the cup and add apple cider vinegar and honey. Then, we would add our medicine if it was time for it. We also took elderberry, which is good for immune support. I believe this tea really helped us get through covid.

Try to avoid cold things and dairy products.

Dairy and cold things can aid in building mucus in the body, so try to avoid these things. And WEAR YOUR MASK!!!

I pray you never get covid, but if the “rona” should come to visit you, hopefully these remedies will help you like they did for us. Remember to get sleep, take your medicine and take it slow. I pray that if covid does come to invade your body, you will be able to overcome and get through it.

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